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Found 11 search results for confusing movies
  • Top 10 Confusing Horror Movies Endings Explained
    These head-scratching horror movie endings will leave you perplexed. For this list, we’ll be looking at some confusing, dense, or ambiguous horror movie endings and trying our best to explain them.
    endings explained, ending explained, best horror, confusing movie endings, confusing endings, horror movie endings, movie endings, horror endings, confusing movies, confusing, scary, the shining, the witch, the lighthouse, american psycho, the babadook, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • Top 20 Movies That People STILL Don't Understand
    We're still scratching our heads over some of these! For this list, we’ll be looking at films with confusing specific plot points or strange plots in general that have continued to puzzle viewers after their release. Because some of the things that make them confusing involve spoilers, be warned if you haven’t seen these films yet.
    confusing movies, movies explained, movie endings explained, movies people don't understand, weird movies, most confusing movies, experimental movies, 2001 a space odyssey, stanley kubrick, eraserhead, david lynch, the tree of life, donnie darko, tenet, christopher nolan, wachowski, cloud atlas, the lobster, coherence, denis villenueve, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • Top 10 Most Confusing Movie Endings Explained
    These endings aren't easy to explain, but we'll do our best. For this list, we’ll be attempting to explain various movie endings that left viewers frustrated and confounded.
    confusing movie endings explained, confusing movie endings, confusing movies, movie endings explained, endings explained, confusing movies explained, movies explained, explained, endings, confusing films, confusing endings, plot twist, twist ending, plot twist movies, sci-fi, inception, blade runner, 2001 a space odyssey, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, Mystery, Thriller, Film, Movies, best movies
  • Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies No One Really Gets
    These sci-fi films are seriously confusing. For this list, we’ll be looking at sci-fi films that left audiences scratching their heads, required some serious Googling to comprehend, or which people are still debating years after their release.
    sci-fi movies no one understands, movies no one understands, confusing movies, confusing sci-fi movies, movies that confuse people, cinema's most confusing movies, classic sci-fi movies, science fiction movies, mind bending sci-fi movies, inception, predestination, primer, 2001: a space odyssey, annihilation, solaris, the fountain, cloud atlas, naked lunch, donnie darko, Film, Movies, Sci Fi
  • Top 10 Movies That Only Make Sense The Second Time
    Second time's the charm! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the movies that become a lot easier to understand on a repeat viewing. To discuss why these warrant a rewatch, we must spoil some plot points.
    movies you have to watch twice, most confusing movies, confusing movies, movies explained, movie endings, endings explained, plot twists, 2001 a space odyssey, stanley kubrick, everything everywhere all at once, 12 monkeys, the usual suspects, the usual suspects ending, fight club, memento, christopher nolan, alfred hitchcock, the sixth sense, donnie darko, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, Mystery, Thriller, Film, Movies, best movies
  • Top 10 Biggest Movie Coincidences Ever
    These plot holes nearly swallowed the entire movie. For this list, we’ll be looking at moments and plotlines in films that happen in spite of very large or virtually impossible odds.
    biggest coincidences in movies, movie coincidences, movie plot holes, plot holes, movies that make no sense, confusing movie moments, confusing movies, movie logic, worst movie logic, plot twists, worst movies, best movies, casablanca, iron man 2, star wars, the empire strikes back, vertigo, john wick, star trek, forrest gump, prisoners, my cousin vinny, the fifth element, Film, Movies, Action
  • Top 10 Movie Endings That Made Us Question Everything
    Ultimately, these endings made us reconsider right and wrong. For this list, we’ll be looking at films with endings that made us question who were the heroes and villains.
    movies with ambiguous endings, movie endings, film endings, best movie endings, confusing movies, confusing movie endings, confusing plots, ambiguous movies, strange movies, unexplained movies, movie questions, the godfather, there will be blood, no country for old men, sicario, seven, watchmen, gone girl, silence of the lambs, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • Top 10 Simulated Reality Movies and Shows
    These mind-bending fictional universes will destroy your concept of reality. For this list, we’ll be going over the films and television series featuring characters discovering or experiencing an artificial reality.
    simulated reality, artificial reality, augmented reality, virtual reality, AR, VR, simulated, virtual, mind bending, dreams, movies, tv shows, confusing movies, best sci-fi, best sci-fi movies, best sci-fi tv shows, existenz, inception, the matrix, the truman show, wandavision, dark city, upload, westworld, source code, Film, Movies, TV, Sci Fi
  • Top 10 Movies Where Audiences Get the Moral Wrong
    You might want to watch these films again. For this list, we’re looking at films with strong messages that are often misunderstood.
    movies where the audience gets the moral wrong, movies morals, morality tales, confusing movies, movies no one understands, movies everyone misunderstands, movies no one gets, complex films, morality films, movies that make you think, movies that people still don't understand, starship troopers, parasite, american psycho, american sniper, first blood, the godfather, the wolf of wall street, Movies, Drama
  • Top 20 Movies That You Have to Watch Twice to Understand
    These mind bending flicks deserves to be seen twice! For this list, we’ll be looking at movies that are best appreciated on repeat viewings - be it because of heady concepts, a complex plot or just having a lot of moving parts.
    movies that you have to watch twice, movies watch twice, movies repeat viewings, movies you have to watch, most rewatched movies, movies everyone should see, movies with plot twists, movies with twist endings, confusing movies, mind bending movies, shocking movies, pulp fiction, interstellar, saw, us, shutter island, memento, 2001: a space odyssey, scream, inception, donnie darko, the usual suspects, joker, Comics, Film, DC, spider-man, Superhero, Movies, Marvel
  • Top 10 Movies That People Still Don't Understand
    We still don’t get it! Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 movies that people still don’t understand.
    weird movies, wtf movies, confusing movies, movies that people still don't understand, surreal movies, art house movies, films, top 10, watchmojo, watch mojo, list, rank